Adopting The KISS Method To Your Decision Making
Mar 31, 2021
In a recent masterclass, I asked my attendees to hop into chat and give me a “Yes!” if this question resonated with them:
How many of you have fallen victim to overcomplicating something that was never made to be complex?
The example I shared was me and my husband trying to get clever with our driving routes and end up taking way too many unnecessary turns versus just going from point A to point B.
Lucky for me, the audience did not leave me hanging and apparently experience the same thing too.
The truth is, I overcomplicate more often in life and in business than I realize. The lesson is that you have to stop yourself in your tracks sometimes to discern if a better route exists for you to take: Can this be done simpler, faster, better and cheaper?
How can I apply the KISS (Keep It Simple, Smarty) Method to my decision making?
Last year my team and I launched our first digital course, The Complete LinkedIn Profile Course. As you can imagine, there are hundreds of moving parts when it comes to creating, building and launching a new product. One of those critical components is producing the course. You must decide if you want to “home-grow” it on your own or hire professionals to record it for you.
Well, initially I chose the grassroots option. I’ll never forget my marketing coordinator and I spending more than eight hours on a Monday setting up different areas in our office to determine the recording location. To keep it short: It was a disaster. The lighting was terrible. My new lapel mic did not synchronize properly. The tripod and desk positioning weren’t quite right and the list goes on. To say we were defeated at the end of the day with nothing to show for our efforts except countless bloopers is an understatement.
Thankfully, only two days later I was in a professional production studio filming an interview when it dawned on me: I had never even gotten a quote for what it would cost for me to hire a professional to produce my course. I made the assumption that it was going to be so far out of my price range that, “Why bother asking?”
This revelation led me to quickly hiring my friend and absolute rockstar behind the camera, Will Stewart and his 9/8 Central team.

It was, hands down, the single best decision I made for this new endeavor and product launch.
What would have taken me and my team hours, upon hours, upon hours (oh wait, we already did that) to create, I was able to partner with a group of pros who knew exactly what buttons to push to allow me to show up with my curriculum and produce an incredibly polished product that my team and I would be proud to take to market.
By keeping it simple, not reinventing the wheel and (let’s be honest) not trying to become someone my team and I are not (professional camera and lighting tech operators), we were freed up to do what we do best: Empower and equip people on how to leverage LinkedIn as the most important potential-generating business tool.
What in life and in business do you need to adopt the KISS Method to give you more freedom and time back?
By the way…
If you’re wondering where LinkedIn fits into this lesson, in addition to this post, I want to ensure people know about Will’s credibility. So, I vouched for his reputation by writing him a LinkedIn recommendation. You can find it on his profile here.
Perhaps there is someone in your network who made your life simpler and you should recommend them on LinkedIn?