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Best of LinkedInsider 2023 career company page executives inmail job seekers linkedin marketing mobile app profile quick tip recruiting sales social selling strategy success story young professionals Dec 26, 2023

Call it seasonal nostalgia or the colder weather, but I’m in a reflective mood lately. I feel like I blinked and yet another fantastic year at McMillion Consulting has come to a close. 

When I think about it, we really covered a lot this year. From celebrating client wins and sharing ...

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Anatomy of a Win: How Randolph Shingler Showcases His Team on LinkedIn company page leadership marketing profile sales social selling strategy success story team-building Dec 12, 2023

Here at McMillion Consulting, we love cheering clients on and celebrating their wins. Our Anatomy of a Win series showcases stories from professionals who experienced a notable business victory as a result of implementing a tool or strategy they learned from our work together.

The Challenge


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LinkedInsider Top Hits: LinkedIn Profiles executives job seekers linkedin features marketing networking profile quick tip social selling young professionals Dec 05, 2023

If you’ve been around here for any amount of time, you probably already know how I preach that any effective LinkedIn strategy MUST start with the LinkedIn profile. It’s the cornerstone of your digital presence. Frankly, no matter how great your posts are or how slick your company...

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Why Right Now is the Best Time to Start a LinkedIn Newsletter executives linkedin features marketing sales strategy young professionals Nov 28, 2023

If you’re anything like me, your inbox is full of newsletters. I, for one, am such a fan of this direct-to-me, drip of regular content. More and more, my own diet of news and ideas includes LinkedIn newsletters. From brands and companies to top LinkedIn influencers, so many experts are...

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The 2023 LinkedInsider Gift Guide company page executives linkedin features marketing profile quick tip sales social selling strategy Nov 21, 2023

The holidays always sneak up on me! You too? I promise, there’s no need to fret about what to get your newest hire, your brother-in-law in finance, or the coworker you drew in this year’s Secret Santa. Lucky for both of us, I did a little pre-holiday gift scouting. 

Of course, I...

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Ask LinkedIn Lindsey: Promoting Your Business on LinkedIn career company page executives inmail job seekers linkedin marketing mobile app profile quick tip recruiting sales social selling strategy success story young professionals Nov 07, 2023

One of the best parts of my job is giving owners, leaders, and entrepreneurs the freedom to brag about their businesses. We’ve all seen self-promotion that feels slimy, but LinkedIn is the perfect place to tell your business story the right way. 

Sure, there are paid ways to promote...

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LinkedInsider Top Hits: Job Searching & Recruiting career job seekers linkedin features marketing networking profile quick tip recruiting social selling strategy young professionals Sep 26, 2023

Finding the right job or the right candidate can feel like a real test of patience. According to the latest research, it takes most companies more than 40 days to fill an open position. That’s a long time to wait—whether you need a job or you’re managing an understaffed...

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5 Lies That Keep Successful Professionals from Leveraging LinkedIn the Right Way executives leadership linkedin features marketing professional development profile sales social selling strategy Sep 19, 2023

Sometimes we just get in our own way, don’t we? Whether it’s imposter syndrome, fear, or busyness, there are so many little voices in our heads that can keep us from reaching our goals. 

Some of the smartest and most successful people I meet are missing out on an amazing chance...

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Supercharge Your Job Search with this LinkedIn Feature career job seekers linkedin features marketing networking profile quick tip recruiting strategy Aug 29, 2023

The “Great Resignation” may be over, but that doesn’t mean that workers have found roles they love. Many people, including the more than 200 thousand affected by layoffs this year, are looking for new or better jobs. Maybe you’re one of them! If so, you know job searching...

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Hack Your LinkedIn To-Do List with ChatGPT executives inmail marketing professional development sales strategy young professionals Aug 22, 2023

Throughout time, technology has transformed the way we work. For most of history, these changes happened slowly, but in the past several decades, innovation has exploded. Just consider the fact that the first cell phone came out just 50 years ago!

On the whole, I think the major advancements in...

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3 Reasons Why You Should Try LinkedInā€™s Page Messaging Feature company page linkedin features marketing quick tip sales social selling strategy Aug 15, 2023

Can I be real with you for a second? It’s tough out there. With all sorts of competitors clamoring for your target audience’s eyes and dollars, landing a sale is no easy feat. There are all sorts of reasons why someone might choose a different company over yours. Don’t let...

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Behind the Scenes of My Brand Photoshoot career leadership marketing profile Aug 08, 2023

Finally, you’ve scheduled that team photoshoot, headshot session, or website shoot. The date is on the calendar, and your favorite outfits are set aside. Now what? It’s go-time! 

If you’re like me, the thought of being in front of the camera puts a tiny pit in my stomach....

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